Posted by: babybumper | October 11, 2010

Wombmate to Roommate: Rooming in verses nursery care

Switch from Wombmate to Roommate

After your wonderful Day of giving Birth your journey with your child is only beginning. Where will your baby spend the night?

Scene: Rooming in

You are sleeping.
The baby is sleeping.
You begin to stir in your sleep.
Your baby sounds the cutest cry.
You pick up the tiny thing.
You figure out what is wrong with the baby: Needs comfort? Dirty diaper? Hungry for breastmilk?

Your baby feels safe, knows that someone cares, and is satisfied, and goes back to sleep. Relief floods over you, you gaze at your brand new sleeping bambino, smile, and go back to sleep. A while later, you begin to toss and turn again.

Signals by Treehouse1977

You realize your baby is waking up, squirming, grimacing. This time, you pick up the nursling before the crying begins. Your baby is mouthing, turning his head side to side. You unwrap your baby and put him to the breast, recognizing the early hunger signs. Because your baby gets to eat before screaming, he can coordinate his suck & swallow efficiently. Because you are relaxed, as your offspring is not screaming, your milk flows quicker. Therefore, your baby gets more milk, you have a better milk supply, and the whole family is more satisfied. You spend some precious cuddle time with your miniature as he stares deeply into your eyes with no reserve. You can’t believe how he has your lips. You gaze at his little hands that stroke you. You may have had love at first site, or it may have grown as you have cared for the baby. Either way, you become forever attached to this Little One. The baby’s attachment instinct is the highest the first few days of life, and early attachment helps the baby develop neurologically. Then the baby hits the sack again. At this stage they sleep 16-20 hours a day, and rooming-in helps develop a better sleep pattern!!

Sweet Dreams by lLmaoscarjuliet

This cycle is replayed many times during your hospital stay. The mom and baby begin to work together. The youngster begins to give better cues, and the mom begins to learn what those cues mean. Her milk actually begins to flow when the baby gives the hunger signs. Mom’s mature milk comes in sooner. The kid gains weight well and does not get jaundiced. She is more convinced of her ability to breastfeed. They bond and understand each other. Mom feels more confident and relaxed about taking this strange person home.

The Day you bring your Gift home, the munchkin as already started to fit in to your life. You have confidence you can take care of this Bundle of Joy, and have already bonded and began to learn about this complex being.

Complexity by Kelly Hofer

Switch from Wombmate to Nursey-mate

After your wonderful Day of giving Birth your journey with your child is only beginning. Where will your baby spend the night?

Scene: Newborn Nursery

You are exhausted after your labor. Maybe it took forever, or you were up all night, or you had medicines that made you sleepy for anesthesia. Your family and nurse say, “Why don’t you send that baby to the nursery so you can get some sleep??” You say good bye with hugs and kisses.

Night at the Nursery

Your baby goes to the nursery to be under the care of the Nurse, who with the best intentions is caring for 10 newborns that night. You fall asleep, wondering what your baby is doing, and replaying the events of the day. You sleep for a while, then toss and turn, concerned for your baby. You reassure yourself, and enter a deep sleep.

The Cry by bbaunach

You hear a knock on the door. Then you hear a disturbing high pitched cry. You groggily wake up from that annoying sound, then realize that is your baby. How long has she been crying?!? You do the right thing, and sit up and try to attend to your baby.  You offer the breast to your baby, but you are so tense from that agitating sound that your milk does not flow, and the baby cries harder. The baby can’t coordinate eating, as he is really in a tizzy.

This cycle is replayed many times during your hospital stay. You begin to send the baby to the nursery more, letting the experts care for the child. In the nursery the baby shows he pre-crying cues for needs, but there is not the 1-to-1 care like in your room. The baby spends more time crying. The baby has less face-to-face time, and spends most of his waking hours bonding with a cold plastic bassinette.

You begin to doubt your own care for the child. You do not recognize the pre-crying signs, as your child exhibits those to the nurses who are caring for many other children. You go home stressed, and wondering what you got yourself into caring for this complex being.

Complexity by

What challenges do you see in having a baby as a Roommate? What tips would you give to mom to make this happen? Do you think it is a feasible option for the first few days after birth? What makes someone choose to send their baby to the nursery, and what makes them keep the baby with them? More tomorrow!

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